Richfield Cub Scout Pack 157 Newsletter – APRIL 2024
Hello Scout Families! Spring is FINALLY here…
Hopefully, your families have been able to enjoy the nice days that have been scattered amongst the rain and snow storms.
Let’s hope that we have a nice day for PINEWOOD DERBY coming up at the end of the month!
In this newsletter we will cover: VOLUNTEERING, Pinewood Derby, River Rats, and Pack picnic
Desperate need of Committee Chair!
With Paul crossing over with his son Aiden in February, this has left our pack with a mandatory position unfilled. The BSA has a minimum amount of Parent committee positions that need to be filled for each pack and our new charter organization would like an update on who this would be.
High Level List of Duties:
- Ensures enough qualitied adult volunteers are in place
- Provides leadership and direction to the pack
- Presides at parent committee meetings to make them efficient
- Ensures completion of Pack Re-charter with the BSA
- Registers the pack for River Rats
- Manages pack email
- Makes announcements to the pack if needed
- Updates Pack newsletter and Webpage (These two are temporary duties until we can find a webmaster volunteer)
We are also looking for Webmaster and Fundraising chairs. if you feel you may be interested in any of these positions please email the pack or speak with our Cubmaster.
Looking to Volunteer? Email the Pack
12:30 PM Weigh-In
2:00 PM Racing Starts
We are all registered for River Rats 2024, Friday May 10th through Sunday May 12th.
Prepare for a fun filled weekend of BB guns, archery, geocaching, S.T.E.M, and more.
Watch for next month’s newsletter for more details on what to bring and what to expect as the weekend will go on rain or shine.
Sunday June 9th 11:30am – 2:00pm
Fireman’s Field behind Richfield’s old fire station on Hwy 175.
At this event, we celebrate the scouting year and all of the achievements that the boys have accomplished.
Final den awards, LSO prizes, advancement neckerchiefs and slides will be given out.
Food and fun to be had by all
Details to follow as we get closer to the event