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Hello Everyone
Wednesday October 10’s den meeting is going to have some fun and adventure to it. It will also call all the parents to become kids again and gently wage war on and with our Scouts. Hahaha. The joke may be on us as they might beat us. We are covering the section of Good Knights found on pages 164 in our handbook. See below for the breakdown of the evening.

Opening Flags Ceremony- Parents please be prepared to help stand with your child again like we did this past Wednesday. This helps tone down a lot of the silliness and lets the kids focus on honoring the flags.

We will break into two groups and go over the scout law. As well as discuss with the scouts why they think a Knight would have the same behavior. The two groups should also come up with two rules to add to our code of conduct. We will be adding those around our shield later.
(Parents please guide your scouts conversations with other scouts to help them stay on task and get the most from this exercise.)

We will then stay in our group and go right into building our den shield. I will have paper and markers at the tables and each kid can draw one item that they want to put on the shield. Please help the kids to do this task quickly. It is not a full scene but rather a simple animal shape, or symbol that means something to them. They can then take their paper and use a glue stick to attach their drawing.

Snack time after building our shield and can eat while we go over the code of conduct and discuss the shield. Gross family could you provide a small snack and drink for this meeting?

We will be building two castles out of boxes or tables on each side of the room. We will also make some obstacles in between the two castles. Once we have built these castles we will then play a game of clean up your own back yard “Castle Style”

Everyone please bring a plastic grocery bag full of old paper crumpled up into balls that can be thrown between the castles. Old newspapers will work great for this. These will be our cannon balls.

The teams will have to work together to get through the obstacles to get to their bags of cannon balls and then get back to their castle. They will throw the cannon balls at each other’s castles for a certain amount of time. They can pick up any cannon balls in their castle to throw back at their opponent. By the end of the time the castle with the least amount of cannon balls Inside their castle wins. In this version parents you will be on your Scouts team.

The next version of the game will be parents versus Scouts. We will not do the obstacle part of this since the cannon balls will be all over already, but we will do a timed game and see who wins.

Then we will end with Closing flags ceremony which we will need parents help with again, especially since they will be all wound up from the game.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to let me know. If you can respond to this email or text me to let me know you received it I would greatly appreciate it. I always worry that I might miss a family.


Next Pack Event Oct. 21– Lion’s chicken roast. Tigers have the 4:30 to 5:30 time slot- Please check in with Carissa when you arrive.

Next meeting Oct. 24- Going over Tiger bites requirements

Thank you,
Jenna and Carissa
262-613-9998/ 262-271-5412

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