Scouting For Food 2022 Results Are In!

What is SCOUTING FOR FOOD and why do we do it?

SCOUTING FOR FOOD is a national community service project aimed at addressing the problem of hunger where we live, work, and play.

How did Cub Scout Pack 157 participate this year?

March 5th: We met at the Friess Lake Elementary School parking lot and handed out bags, flyers and maps of subdivisions around Hubertus & Richfield. Before the rain started we were able to get out over 400 bags and flyers!

March 12th: We met again at the Friess Lake Elementary School parking lot, handed out maps of the covered areas, and sent everyone on their way to collect. They all returned back to the school parking lot to hand in what was picked up from neighborhood door steps and started counting.



  • 271 items were donated by the neighborhoods we covered!
  • 38 items were donated by a Wolf Scout’s neighborhood that was not covered by a BSA Pack or Troop!!
  • 168 items were donated by a Tiger Scout’s family!!
  • 47 items were donated by additional Scout families!!

ALL items will be donated to the St. Boniface Church’s food pantry in Germantown, WI.

A very big THANK YOU to ALL of the Scouts and Scout Families that helped with this year’s Scouting for Food Service Project without your participation we would not have been able to make this year such a success!!